Federal Trademark Registration FAQs
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What types of trademarks can be registered?
Various types of trademarks can be registered, including:
Word marks: Protect brand names, slogans, or phrases.
Design marks: Protect logos, symbols, or other graphical representations.
Composite marks: Combine words and designs into a single mark.
Sound marks: Protect distinctive sounds associated with a brand.
Color marks: Protect specific colors used in a particular context to distinguish goods/services.
Shape marks: Protect the unique shape or packaging of a product.
What is the difference between a ™ and a ® symbol?
What is a trademark class?
Do you offer a free initial consultation for trademark registration?
What documents are required for trademark registration?
Can I trademark a domain name?
What is a trademark class?
Is incorporating a company using a particular name the same as obtaining a trademark?
What is the role of the USPTO in trademark registration?
Can I use my trademark while the application is pending?
How long does the trademark registration process take?
What’s the difference between ‘in use’ and ‘intent to use’ in trademark applications?
How do you monitor for trademark infringements?
What’s the difference between copyright, patent, and trademark?
How do I know if my trademark is eligible for registration?
What should I do if my trademark application is rejected?
Do I need to conduct a trademark search before applying?
Ready to get your Trademark registered?
Register your mark before someone else does.
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